Friday 4 January 2008

The universe will be okay

I am quite excited. I have had my first rejection and my first acceptance of the year. And within six minutes of each other, too. Which feels very balanced. Like the universe isn't going to spin off and be crazy or anything. They were two of three things I wrote on December 30th. One was a story, one was truth, and one was a rambling stream of consciousness pretending to be a poem. One of these is going to be online tomorrow (or actually later today now), and I will post the link when it goes up.

The site it is going to be on is a really lovely site, and I am a bit giddy about it. I found out about this site from this lovely blog, which I found out about from this blog, which I am addicted to, but in a good way.

Words words words!


Nik Perring said...

Hi Emma, I've just read your piece over at Un-Made-Up and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Fab writing.

A fellow Jenn Ashworth's Blog fan,


Emma said...

Hi Nik,
Thank you. A lot.

Jenn said...

Hello secret fan base

I really liked your story at Un-made-up too. It is such a good site.

And I'm glad you like my blog too. Which library do you work in? I always like people who work in libraries. It is like a rule I try to live by.

Emma said...

I'm glad the secret is "out of the bag". I quite often feel like a snooper when I'm reading blogs.

Thank you, and you're welcome.

I work in Sinfin Library, which is in Derby. I, too, like people who work in libraries. I've never known anyone who worked in a prison library. I bet you have to do things a bit differently.