Monday 15 February 2010

Day 72 of #100days: Homage Week begins

Josie’s mission for days 72 to 78 is to pay homage to other 100 Days projects. Hooray! I’ve been dying to nick some of the other hundred-dayers’ ideas. First up is my homage to 100 tiny moments from my past, present and future.

From my past. This is when I saved River Phoenix from that lion by singing to it. I forget the song. But it really chilled the lion out. Then me and River went and had breakfast, mostly fruit.

(I admit, this one might have been a dream.)


annie clarkson said...

ha brilliant, I think I might have had this dream too, or something similar...!

Emma said...

Well he did go running around in the jungle a lot. Lucky we were there. Do you remember what song it was?

annie clarkson said...

no, it escapes me...