I've been keeping myself to myself a bit over the past few weeks. I've been doing lots of things with Post-it notes, working out the structure of my novel. It nearly drove me mad, but I think the worst of it is over. I haven't been writing many short stories lately, as all my focus has been on the novel, which is a good thing, but I have missed the immediacy of shorter things. So, I cheated and wrote this for the ever-brilliant pygmy giant. I seem to be obsessed with semaphore at the minute. Maybe it stems from my childhood survival-manual-reading, but I've always liked secret codes. I'm crap at decoding them, but I like the idea of them. A good one I've found recently is tap code. Used a lot by prisoners, apparently. I like the simplicity of tap code. I get it.
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I've been doing the opposite - too many short stories and not enough novel. Changing that!
PS: I love hasselback potatoes too. Did you know they have a special potato holder now for making them? :P
Ace, and good luck! It is hard to switch from one to the other, isn't it?
I think the world is split into two types of people: those who love hassleback potatoes, and those who don't know what they are.
I'm intrigued by this magical gizmo you speak of. Might put it on my Christmas list. At present I use the hollow of a wooden spoon. It's a good trick.
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